Hong Kong is currently going through a difficult time. I hope that this blog will contribute, just a little bit, to promoting peace in Hong Kong. I believe activities such as those below will help. I will try to do some of them. I may even succeed at times in producing something sensible. That is not enough though. If you are interested in seeing peace in Hong Kong, will you join me in this Peace Movement? If enough people join in, may be there will be a miracle.
- Analysis of truthfulness of claims by different parties;
- Capturing perspectives of conflicting groups in Hong Kong;
- Understanding current events in Hong Kong through historical and philosophical perspectives;
- Critical analysis of media reports and feedback to media organisations in order to promote fair reporting in media;
- Providing background information and recording of the current events relating to the protest movement in Hong Kong;
- Communication with fair minded people who wish to promote peace in Hong Kong.
that's a good idea.